Mission and Vision
Pre-analytical errors represent 70-90% of all laboratory errors. Of these, 40-80% are due to hemolysis of blood samples, which often occurs due to physical stress during transport. Hemolysis produces aberrant test results leading to incorrect, unnecessary or delayed patient care for nearly 3 million patients annually – 8,000 patients every day. Pre-analytical sample rejection costs $53-$85 per sample, or $1.2 million per year for a 650-bed hospital. At Motryx, we have the solution.
Motryx’s vision is to deliver quality control and assurance in blood-specimen transport. Our mission is to empower hospitals, labs and their patients with confidence that blood specimens are transported in a manner that ensures quality diagnostics and accurate testing. Our products measure, monitor, and report on quality indicators related to transport, relevant to testing outcomes, to help laboratories fulfill requirements.
Motryx strives to present an independent and objective assessment of transport quality that supports equal dialogue between lab and manufacturer for a shared understanding of transport considerations.
The Motryx products have been developed by three in-house PhDs and an established group of professionals with well-honed expertise in engineering, hardware design, software development and data analytics, who have worked closely with clinical biochemists, laboratory managers, and system engineers. We developed VitalQC in collaboration with university hospitals and reference centers in Europe and the US, helping laboratories establish appropriate validation criteria and repeatably verify against them.
Manufacturers Tested
Aerocom Hanazeder Swisslog
Sumetzberger Pevco Sarstedt
48 Institutes
210 Sending Stations Tested
4,000+ Transits Measured
Publications and Presentations
Peer-reviewed Publications
Gils C., Broell, F., Vinholt, P.J., Nielsen, C., Nybo, M. (2020). Use of clinical data and acceleration profiles to validate Pneumatic Transportation Systems. Clin Chem Lab Med 26;58(4):560-568. doi: 10.1515/cclm-2019-0881.
Stangerup I., Broell, F., van der Hoop J., and Sennels H.P. (2021). Pneumatic tube validation: reducing the need for donor samples by integrating a vial-embedded data logger. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry: International Journal of Laboratory Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1177/0004563221992822
Patel, K., El-Khoury, J., Simundic, A., Farnsworth, C., Broell, F., Genzen, J., Amukele, T. (In Press). Evolution of Blood Sample Transportation and Monitoring Technologies. Clinical Chemistry.
Cooper, J., van der Hoop, J., Broell, F., and Kitchen S. (In Review). Identifying and reducing the induction of haemolysis from sample transport in Pneumatic Tube Systems.
Scientific Presentations
Koch, C.D., van der Hoop, J., Broell, F., El-Khoury, J.M. 2020. Foam padding in pneumatic tube carriers reduces g-forces and sample hemolysis rates. 72nd AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Lab Expo.
Cooper, J., van der Hoop, J., Broell, F., Kitchen, S. 2020. Identifying and reducing the cause of haemolysis in coagulation blood samples due to transport in a Pneumatic Tube System. International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis Meeting, Milan, Italy.
Broell, F., van der Hoop, J. Kitchen S., Cooper, J., Nybo, M., Gils C., Stangerup, I. (2020). A cost-effective, automatic and reproducible solution to validate and monitor Pneumatic System transport and reduce hemolysis. International Congress on Quality in Laboratory Medicine, Helsinki, Finland.
Broell, F., Kitchen S., Cooper, J., Nybo, M., Gils C., Stangerup, I. (2019). A cost-effective, automatic and reproducible solution to validate and monitor Pneumatic System transport and reduce hemolysis. AACC Clinical Laboratory: Focus on the pre-analytical phase. Alexandria, Virginia
Broell, F., (2019) A solution for pre-analytical sample transport. American Society of Clinical and Laboratory Scientists Annual Meeting, North Carolina.
Broell, F., (2019) A solution for pre-analytical sample transport. 71st AACC Annual Scientific Meeting & Lab Expo, Anaheim, California
Motryx HQ
1505 Barrington St
Unit 100, Halifax, NS B3J 3K5