Case Studies

See how VitalQC helps hospitals and labs all over the world


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Analytisch Diagnostic Centrum Uses VitalQC to Satisfy ISO15189 Accreditation Requirements for its new PTS installation

Willemstad, Curaçao

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VitalQC Helps Determine Best Carrier Inserts for Three European Laboratories

Hospitals in Europe


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Differences in pneumatic tube system impact on blood samples emphasizes need for quality control

Hospitals in Austria, Germany, Sweden and Denmark

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Sheffield’s Northern General Hospital reduces rejection rates by 53%

Sheffield, UK


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ARUP moves towards replacing blood for PTS monitoring with VitalQC

Salt Lake City, USA

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Danish Hospital confirms PTS installation is safe for use before operation

Odense, Denmark


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Copenhagen Hospital validates new PTS installation with fraction of donor blood

Copenhagen, Denmark

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We are happy to facilitate this demonstration and will provide you with a free, no-commitment trial.