Vital QC helps determine Best Carrier Inserts For Three European Laboratories

Janne Cadamuro, Elisabeth Haschke-Becher, Martin Keppel – University Hospital Salzburg, Austria

Alexander von Meyer – Kliniken Nordoberpfalz and University Hospital of Munich, Germany

Thomas Streichert, Wibke Johannis – University Hospital Cologne (Koeln), Germany


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“We strongly discourage the use of rigid inserts whereas diapers or bubble wrap seem to be a superior and inexpensive alternative in most cases”

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Sustained mechanical stress (i.e., speed, vibration, temperature) during blood sample transport can negatively impact the quality and accuracy of lab results. To reduce costs and improve patient satisfaction, University Hospital Salzburg, University Hospital of Munich, and University Hospital Cologne, collaborated with Motryx to optimize sample quality.

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In a multi-facility study, VitalQC was used to test the effectiveness of five different pneumatic tube carrier inserts on sample quality. Results were compared within hospitals (type of padding used) and between hospitals. 

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VitalQC revealed that inexpensive padded carriers reduced vibration by up to 76%

In all instances, inexpensive padded inserts (i.e., bubble wrap and diapers) were superior to more expensive, rigid inserts

VitalQC also showed a high degree of variation in PTS performance between hospitals, suggesting that even the best padding systems are ineffective if PTS settings are suboptimal, further supporting the importance of regular performance monitoring.

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